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Chisinau (KIV) – Dublin ( DUB): form COVID-19 for locating passengers
Please be informed that due to restrictions imposed by the authorities of the Ireland, the schedule of ...
Read more...Canceled flights: charter flights Chisinau - Hurghada – Chisinau
The airline FLYONE announces the cancellation of the charter flights Chisinau - Hurghada - Chisinau FIA5327/8 from September 10, 2020 - November 5, 2020.
Read more...Join the FLYONE Club and get a 5 euro discount for each flight
Your trips are more pleasant with FLYONE Club! We invite you to discover the best way to book flights for you, your friends and family.
Read more...Poziția companiei FLYONE cu privire la subiectele menționate în conferința de presă din 12.08.2020
Criza mondială în sănătate, cauzată de pandemia COVID-19, a pus la grea încercare industrii întregi, sistemul medical și o bună parte din companiile producătoare și prestatoare ...
Read more...FLYONE Travel Vouchers Conditions
In the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, travel planning requires increased attention and care from both air carriers and passengers. Based on international travel restrictions ...
Read more...FLYONE has launched regular flights since July 1, with new protection measures
FLYONE, IOSA certified airline in the IATA Operational Audit, has relaunched regular flights since July 1, implementing new protection measures for the passengers and the crew safety.