The voucher issued by FLYONE for passengers affected by canceled flights has the following conditions:
1. Value: the amount paid for the affected flight + 20%;
2. Validity: 12 months from the receipt of the voucher;
3. Maximum possible travel period : 12 months from the receipt of the voucher;
4. Applicability : all FLYONE destinations, tickets and additional services;
5. Reservation : maximum 9 passengers in a reservation;
6. It is transmissible (it is not issued on an exact name);
7. Use : payment on the website or through the agencies;
8. Flat applicability : multiple application until the voucher value is completely exhausted.
9. The voucher is non-refundable.
The voucher can be received by email HERE. If the ticket was purchased through an agency, the voucher can be received through the agency.
In order to receive the voucher, the passenger and/or one of the passengers in the reservation must provide the following information and documents:
- Acceptance certificate, available HERE. In the absence of an electronic signature, the document needs to be printed and signed by hand by the passenger. The document signed by Paint/Word is not accepted.
- Copy of the passenger's ID card or passport.